Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton Gives Life to Final Dream
Santa Barbara, Calif.— While on the campaign trail this week in California, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met with 45-year-old John Pecoraro from Scotts Valley, Calif. Pecoraro, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2014 and Lyme disease in 2015, asked Dream Foundation to help him meet Secretary Clinton to share his story and hope for a cure. Dream Foundation is the only national dream-granting organization for terminally-ill adults.
“I want to meet the potential future President of the United States,” Pecoraro told Dream Foundation.
Pecoraro’s Dream came true when he and Clinton had the opportunity to meet about raising awareness for ALS and Lyme disease. Pecoraro is determined to spend the rest of his life raising awareness, helping others with ALS and Lyme disease, and sharing his story with those who can be influential in the fight against these debilitating diseases.
“We are grateful to Secretary Clinton for helping give life to John’s final Dream,” said Dream Foundation Chief Executive Officer Kisa Heyer who was also in attendance at the meeting. “At Dream Foundation we are passionate about helping people make the most of the days they have left, and hope John’s Dream provided him inspiration and closure.”
About Dream Foundation:
Dream Foundation, the only national dream-granting organization for terminally-ill adults, fulfills final Dreams that provide inspiration, closure and comfort at the end of life. With the support of a nationwide network of volunteers, hospices, health care organizations and committed donors, Dream Foundation has given life to nearly 25,000 final Dreams over the past two decades, and has never turned down a qualified request. For more information, please visit