Bequest » Dream Foundation

Leaving a Legacy of Compassion

Chad dreamed of taking his family to his happy place—Destin, Florida.

Arranging a gift to Dream Foundation through a will or living trust

Dream Foundation has been dedicated to fulfilling the final Dreams of terminally-ill adults and their families across the nation since 1994. Our Dreams for Veterans program serves U.S. military veterans, active service members, and members of the Reserve and National Guard. Our Flower Empower program delivers floral bouquets, fresh-baked cookies, fine chocolates, and handmade cards to anyone in the Santa Barbara area who needs comfort and cheer. Everything we do is made possible by you or someone like you.

Your will or living trust can provide for your family’s future financial security. Making a charitable gift through your estate plan costs nothing now and is the best way to make sure a portion of your property will serve what matters to you in the future.

Creating a kinder future

You can choose to make a charitable gift to Dream Foundation in your will to help future generations when they face the end of their lives or experience any of the real hardships many of us endure in our lifetimes.

You can leave a gift for Dream Foundation to use where it’s most needed or support any or all of our programs: the Dream program, Dreams for Veterans or Flower Empower.

Dream Foundation receives no state or federal funding, so the support we receive from you and others like you is vital.

When you make or update your will or trust, your attorney only needs to prepare a simple provision or amendment, putting you in control of your financial plans and charitable giving.

woman with small black dog

Contact Us

If you’d like to speak to someone at Dream Foundation about the amazing legacy that you could leave, please contact us:

(805) 539-2208

Patricia dreamed of being reunited with her pup, Nui.
Photo Credit: Jeanne Viggiano

After the 9/11 attacks, Kim made the greatest sacrifice of all

Watch the extraordinary film of Kim’s unforgettable Dream by Jeff Harasimowicz, made possible thanks to the compassionate support of our incredible community.

How to give to Dream Foundation through wills and trusts

You can gift a specific amount for general use or fund a particular program, such as our Dream program, Dreams for Veterans and/or Flower Empower.

  • You can provide a gift of a particular property. Real estate, stocks, and other items of value are examples of properties that can be used to fund charitable bequests.
  • You can designate a percentage of your estate to Dream Foundation to support our Dream program, Dreams for Veterans and/or Flower Empower through your will or living trust.
  • You can give the remainder, or residue, of your estate—that is, what remains after all other bequests to friends and loved ones are satisfied.
  • You can name charitable interests to receive a bequest if other heirs are not there to receive their legacies.

Create your will for free in under 20 minutes

FreeWill is a free online will-writing tool that thousands have already used to care for their families and protect the people and communities they love.

You can use this tool to create your will in under 20 minutes.

Write my free will

Using an attorney to write your will? Here’s the language you need

Your attorney can use the following language:

If you want to leave a fixed amount of money or a designated property

“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Dream Foundation, located at 1528 Chapala Street, Suite 304, in Santa Barbara, California, 93101 $_________.”, Federal Tax ID 77-0405779 to be used for Dream Foundation’s general use and purpose/to be used for Dreams for Veterans/to be used for Flower Empower.” (Or describe the real or personal property, including exact location.)

If you want to leave a percentage of your estate

“I give, devise and bequeath to the Dream Foundation, located at 1528 Chapala Street, Suite 304, in Santa Barbara, California, 93101 ________% of my estate, determined as of the date of my death Federal Tax ID 77-0405779 to be used for Dream Foundation’s general use and purpose/to be used for Dreams for Veterans/to be used for Flower Empower.”

If you want to leave what remains of your estate after all other bequests are satisfied

“All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, including real and personal property, I give, devise and bequeath to the Dream Foundation, located at 1528 Chapala Street, Suite 304, in Santa Barbara, California, 93101, Federal Tax ID 77-0405779 to be used for Dream Foundation’s general use and purpose/to be used for Dreams for Veterans/to be used for Flower Empower.”

Other ways to give to Dream Foundation through your estate

You may have life insurance or retirement plans with assets that add up to more than you need for a comfortable retirement and could give rise to future income and estate taxes.In that case, it may be wise to consider using these funds to make gifts to benefit Dream Foundation now or in the future. A simple change of beneficiary form may be all that is required to provide for a gift of life insurance proceeds or what remains in a retirement account. You can set it up so that gifts like these only happen if loved ones die before you or in the event of other specified circumstances, as you can with gifts through wills and revocable living trusts. Your retirement plan administrator or life insurance professional can also provide more details upon request.

Contact your life insurance professional or retirement plan administrator for ways to make gifts from these resources today.

Leaving your bank and investment accounts

Many people have bank and investment accounts that they would like to leave directly to family, friends, Dream Foundation, or other charitable interests at the end of their lifetime. This can often be done using a “pay on death” (P.O.D.) provision for a bank account or a CD or a “transfer on death” (T.O.D.) provision for certain other investment accounts.

Ask your financial advisor for the form you need. You retain full ownership and access to the funds during your lifetime, and the person or charity only receives what is left in the account.

veteran receiving pin during small ceremony

Have you made a gift in your will or trust to support Dream Foundation?

Please email and let us know so we can welcome you to our very special Legacy Dream Circle, a group of extraordinary individuals who have committed to supporting our programs for future generations.

U.S. Army and Vietnam veteran David dreamed of honoring those who did not return at the military memorials in Washington, D.C. We also arranged a pinning ceremony to thank him for his service.
Photo Credit: Val Proudkii

Legacy Dream Circle Donors

Gayle Abramson and Mitch Glanz
Holly Bander
Patti Bonczkowski
Gretchen Burkey
Elizabeth and Andrew Butcher
LaVonne Briscoe*
Richard Cazen*
Marilyn Cole-Shatz
Janice Contons
Daphne Cooper*
Constance Corey*
Scott Cusenz
Ted Dolas
Charlotte Doyle*
Faye and Rod Eson
Katherine Geiger*
Tracy Greene*
Diane Harlan
Barbara J. Headley*
Susan Hoag
Stella Keane*
Anette LaHough*
Joel Scott Landson
Nora McNeely Hurley and Michael Hurley
Charles and Esther Mlynek
Susan Richardson
Jean A. Robertson
Bernie Sandler
John and Faye Schwab
Joseph Shafrath
Steven Shulem
Kenny and Elizabeth Slaught
Eleanor Smith*
Laurie Vandeberghe

*In memoriam

Dream Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Federal I.D.# 77-0405779

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