Man Battling Cancer Granted Wish For Second Honeymoon
Bryon told Northern Michigan’s News Leader he could have chosen anything, from meeting his favorite celebrity to going on a trip to anywhere he wanted.
Instead, he told the foundation he wanted to take his wife on a second honeymoon.
“It’s one way to get us both in without anybody else bugging us so I thought for a second honeymoon before I go,” Bryon says.
Bryon and his wife, Stephanie, have struggled together against Bryon’s aggressive liver cancer for years.
“About six years ago, he was diagnosed with liver cancer and he was put on a transplant list,” Stephanie says. “In February, they took him off the list because they found two more tumors on him. He’s got two months, according to the doctors.”
Bryon’s hospice social worker reached out to the Dream Foundation.
When they heard of Bryon, they acted fast.
“They contacted the Traverse City Resort and Spa and they granted him three days there with a bunch of extras in it,” Stephanie says.
She says she was shocked.
“He’s a huge Carrie Underwood fan so I thought if you could give him anything in the world, it would have been to meet Carrie Underwood and he was adamant that’s not what he wanted,” Stephanie says.
Bryon says while meeting his favorite celebrity would be amazing, he would choose spending time with his wife over all other options.
“It’s nice to be able to meet a celebrity or something, but there’s so many of them out there,” Bryon says. “I would pick my wife. She’s the best one.”
He says he wouldn’t have spent his one wish on anything else.
“Get her a honeymoon,” Bryon said with a laugh. “It’s what i’m driving at and it’s all I wanted. After that, you can cut me loose.” (Read more)