Dream Foundation Grants Wish For Cancer Patient
The Dream Foundation of Santa Barbara, the national wish granting organization for adults, was moved by Allison Anderson. The thirty five-year-old breast cancer patient’s wish was to come to Santa Barbara and to rejuvenate by the ocean. The local group was able to make this dream a reality.
At the age of 29, Allison was diagnosed with a rare genetic pre-disposition to cancer, Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Anderson has also had the disease in her thyroids, skin, liver and brain. Her life expectancy was 2 months or less.
Allison’s dream took her and her significant other, mother, sister and brother-in-law to the Bacara Resort & Spa in Santa Barbara where they stayed four nights. She was also provided a special photo shoot with her family courtesy of Kacie Jean Fowler, founder of the nonprofit Portraits for Causes.
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